Stored Up: Combatting Sin

Stored Up: Combatting Sin

What is sin?

There is an entire article on this site that deals with that, but, really, at a basic level, what is it?

“I have stored up your word in my heart,

     that I might not sin against you. “ , ESV

At it’s most simple definition, it’s simply not being able to be God.  It’s being imperfect, falling short, missing the mark.

It’s being human.  Humans sin.  It’s what we’re good at; we’re rock stars at doing the wrong thing.  Truth is, though, God doesn’t want us to sin.  We can’t ever come close to being perfect, of course, but he did provide for us a… manual of sorts, a set of instructions that indicate to us just how we’re supposed to live. (It’s the Bible.  I’m talking about the Bible.)

We should be inspired by the Psalmist in 119:11, where he says that he has stored up [God’s] words in [his] heart!  He’s aware that by his very nature he will want to depart from the commandments of God (), and because he’s so painfully aware of that he’s made a point to spend enough time in the Word that he is storing up passages and commandments in his heart – he’s memorizing them – that he would remember them when necessary, when temptation rears it’s head, and when his self becomes the driving force in his life.

So, the question is:  Are you storing up the Word of the Lord in your heart?  Do you spend time with Him in study and supplication?

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11 I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you. (ESV)

10 With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments! (ESV)