Do you abide in the Lord?
What does it mean to abide in Christ? Perhaps we should start more simply… what does it mean to abide in anything? What is this word, abide?
What does it mean to abide in Christ? Perhaps we should start more simply… what does it mean to abide in anything? What is this word, abide?
God uses our time on this earth to refine us, and it takes a lot of work, a lot of heat, and a whole lot of patience.
A man who is truly of integrity is hard to come by; it’s harder still to live one’s life under such a strict code of ethics, and part of that difficulty comes from the challenge of defining without a shadow of a doubt what’s morally right.
We are meant to be in community; the early church was built around the idea of doing life together. Are your doors open?
When we belong to Christ, it’s through God’s grace – getting what you don’t deserve; a dead person has no power to raise themselves from the dead.