Two Minutes

Two Minutes

What’s that you’re groaning about?  Another blog about Christianity on the ol’ wide web?  Yea – I’ll give you that – there’s a lot out there already.  But that’s ok.

Sometimes all it takes is two minutes

This one’s a little different.  It’s short.  You can read it over coffee in the morning, or when you’re bored, or when you’re hiding from your boss in the … facilities.

We are aiming to create an environment with small, short, succinct (ok, that last bit was anything but terse.  Apologies.) posts that explore concepts of Christianity in bite-sized blobs.  We hope and pray that these posts will be good resources to help you (and us!) grow and mature in your walk with Christ.

Each of these blog posts can usually be read in about two minutes – one minute if you’re a fast reader.  The idea is that sometimes if you can spend just two minutes of your life, every once in a while, exploring who God is, who you are, and what it means to be Christian, you can make a huge impact on yourself and others.  Eventually we hope to expand the blog to include two minute video clips, short devotionals, and ways you can affect those in your life with very short encounters and experiences.

Here’s to hoping you enjoy your stay!  You can see more about the blog at the About Page.


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