Perseverance: This Too Shall Pass

Surely, you’ve heard the phrase “This too shall pass?” Many attribute that saying as coming directly from the Bible, and while it’s not actually in the Scripture in that specific form, there are many passages that can certainly be read to mean that whatever calamity you’re going through will soon be over. (, as a common example). The phrase immediately brings to mind the idea that, no matter how bad things get, there’s always a ‘greener’ pasture, there’s always a downhill after the up, and there’s always healing after sickness (even if that healing is eternal rather than mortal!). In the book of Ecclesiastes, the unknown author (though Solomon is implied) waxes philosophical on the meaning of life, and presents many ideas, concepts, and conclusions that ultimately end at the quite poignant “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (, ESV) Let’s look at for a moment though… For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast away stones, and a time...


You know how life just gets so crazy, and you– what about that time when you… oh, hey, don’t forget to take care of that… Life… is… distracting.

Unrighteous Condemnation

Does any but God possess the right of condemnation? Who are we to judge others? Condemnation of the sin of unbelievers by believers is not evangelism, it’s damaging, hateful, and drives people away.

Community: Do good.

What is community, and does it really matter? Can I just watch my pastor on the TV, or stream the sermon on the phone? It’s not so important to be around others, is it?

God is Eternal: What Does it Mean to Us?

Earlier this week, we discussed God’s eternity, and what Eternity, or more accurately, what His eternity means to us.  Please visit that article if you haven’t done so already!  This is part two of a two part series on the Eternity of God. God is Eternal:  What Does This Mean to Us? Due to the manner in which God exists, that is, outside of time and space (perhaps it would be better to suggest that He is, in a sense, ‘above’ time and space), His ways are beyond our comprehensive abilities.  We cannot truly begin to understand how God Himself operates within our plane of existence, as we have not frame of reference that is suitable to explain or demonstrate His abilities.  By nature of His eternity, He is also eternally incomprehensible. God knows everything that we do, though not in a voyeuristic manner, rather, He has an innate knowledge of us and our actions, just by the nature of who He is (His control and ordaining notwithstanding); it’s less of an observation of our actions as it is inherent knowledge.  He’s not sitting on pins and needles, watching and waiting to see what we do next; He exists completely, He is all-powerful, and not in a sense that He’s the strongest, but that all power that exists is imparted through Him. He is outside of time and eternal, and as such, we needn’t worry about tomorrow, or the next day – everything is within His control, and we can live without the fear of stepping outside of His will – we can’t even begin to ‘mess up’ His...
