Let Every Endeavor Be One of Worship

Let Every Endeavor Be One of Worship

“O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.”

I remember once hearing of an anecdote about a particular monk in a monastery.  This particular monk was in charge of cleaning the dishes after the meals were served, and would, naturally, spend quite a bit of time before the sink in the kitchen, scrubbing pots and pans, a task to most that is not only not very enjoyable, but pretty difficult and taxing.  This monk, however, had a completely different way of looking at it – he had installed, above his sink, a plaque that read “Worship held here three times daily.”

He approached even this most mundane task with the idea that it should be done with a sense of worship. Now, we can speculate as to Let Every Endeavor Be One Of Worshipthe the nature of this plaque – did he put it there as a way to “force” himself to remember to worship?  Was he trying to make it seem like it wasn’t so bad?  Or was he really just so in touch with God that every single thing that he did, he presented it before the Lord as a task worthy of worship?  We can’t really know the answer to that – but it should give us pause to think about the way that we approach our relationship with the Lord.

God calls us to worship Him in all things… so then, what is worship, especially in this context?  If we go by a dictionary, we see “Show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites,”  and this isn’t a bad description.  What would it look like if you showed reverence to God in everything you did?  What would it look like if, when you were talking to you neighbor, you did it for God’s Glory?  What if, when you were talking about your neighbor, you did so for His Glory?

It doesn’t matter if you’re mowing the lawn, changing a diaper, or driving to work, all things can be done in worship and service to God.

Worship well.

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8:1 O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens. (ESV)