Sing a New Song!
There is absolutely something to be said for remembering the old, we are to reflect on the good things that God has done, and praise His name for salvation, deliverance, grace and mercy.
There is absolutely something to be said for remembering the old, we are to reflect on the good things that God has done, and praise His name for salvation, deliverance, grace and mercy.
Everyone knows the story of the Prodigal son, right?
It’s pretty common in pop culture – even if you’ve never been to a church, you know this story.
You know how, when you haven’t talked to someone in a long time, it can get more and more difficult to pick up the phone and call them? You know that the list of things that you will need to catch up on is just so long that even the idea of starting the conversation is exhausting. Relationships are like that – they take work.
God calls us to worship Him in all things
Once someone wrongs you, you have three choices – you can forgive them, you can hold a grudge, or you can exact your revenge.